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ACT Legislative Assembly: Inquiry into the Future Sustainability of Health Funding in the ACT

Published: 2018 Inquiries Quality and Safety in Health Care

HCCA’s submission to this Inquiry suggests a number of opportunities for health services, health funders and consumers to work together to change the way services are delivered – with the aim of protecting the future sustainability and viability of the health care we value. The key message HCCA communicates in…

Financial & Tax Practices of For-Profit Aged Care Providers

Published: 2018 Aged Care/Health of Older People Primary Health Care

As a result of takeover activity during the past decade, a small number of major private providers are now responsible for the accommodation of tens of thousands of aged care residents, and the stewardship of billions of dollars of refundable accommodation payments.

ACT Government: Independent Review into the Workplace Culture within ACT Public Health Services

Published: 2018 Quality and Safety in Health Care

The issue of poor workplace culture in health care has received increased public attention in recent years, following the 2016 Senate Inquiry into medical complaints process in Australia. The Senate Inquiry found that bullying, discrimination and harassment levels remain disconcertingly high, despite the apparent ‘zero tolerance’ approach reported by medical…

ACT Government: Inquiry into ACT Libraries

Published: 2018 Aged Care/Health of Older People Chronic Conditions Health Literacy/Patient Information

HCCA supports the important role of libraries within the ACT community. Libraries, especially physical branches, help to improve social connectedness, are a part of creating age-friendly cities and maintaining overall good health in our communities.

Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia: Endorsement of Scheduled Medicines for Registered Nurses Prescribing in Partnership

Published: 2018 Medicines Quality and Safety in Health Care

HCCA recognises that an expanded role for Registered Nurses (RNs) and Registered Midwives (RMs) in prescribing has the potential to deliver benefits to health care consumers. We fully support the Consultation Paper’s observation that many people currently experience unacceptable barriers to health care, including barriers to timely access to medicines.

Commonwealth Department of Health: Single Charter of Aged Care Rights

Published: 2018 Aged Care/Health of Older People Quality and Safety in Health Care

HCCA’s overall feedback is that while there are potential benefits for consumers in the move to a single Charter (e.g. consistent consumer rights in all types of aged care), these benefits are not assured. It is important that some of the specific rights set out in the four existing Charters…

ACT Government: ACT Budget 2019-20

Published: 2018 Budget Consultations

HCCA's submission to the 2019-20 ACT Budget consultation.

Senate Inquiry on the My Health Record System

Published: 2018 Digital Health Inquiries Quality and Safety in Health Care

Our extensive consultations with consumers suggests uncertainty and distrust about the MHR system. Issues around opting-out and informed consent, more generally, are particularly contentious.

ANU: ANU Medical School Review

Published: 2018 Quality and Safety in Health Care

One way for consumers to be partners in their own care, and to optimize the health system is to have consumers as partners throughout medical training. The graduates of such training will not only understand the importance of partnering with consumers, but will have real experience in doing so.

Ahpra: Good Medical Practice: A Code of Conduct for Doctors in Australia

Published: 2018 Primary Health Care Quality and Safety in Health Care

The Code of Conduct is an important document for consumers as it sets out what consumers and carers can expect from doctors. We regularly refer to the Code and promote it with consumers in information sessions.

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